5, 6, 7, 8….

5, 6, 7, 8….

That sound makes my heart race,
I have to move
My feet can’t be stuck in one place,
There’s nothing to lose

In my element, I’m free
Easy as 1, 2, 3
Just breathe
passion takes the lead

Take your chance
Hold your stance
No second glance
Just dance, dance, dance

-Poem by Brittany Lombardi


dancers of all ages get on stage

When I Dance

When I dance, I know exactly who I am. The chaotic world orders itself, and I know where I fit. There will be no auditions or rejections. I’m not in training anymore. In my genres, I’m a master now. So when I step into the studio every week, my heavy invisible backpack slides off my back and gets dropped at the door. I am fully alive, wide awake and comfortable in the present moment. I am ready to create.Read More