April & May Mini Classes

Our April & May Mini Classes are the perfect way to discover a new style and/or turbo-charge your progress. The cost of each class is listed in the description.

Refund Policy

  • Cancel by April 1, 100% refund. 
  • Cancel by April 15, 50% refund. 
  • Cancel after April 30, 25% refund.
  • No refunds May 1 and beyond.  

If we cancel class on you? 100% refund always.

Discover Dance

May 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th from 4:30-5:15pm, Ages 3-6

Think of this class as a bigger trial lesson for your little one. This class will meet 4 Wednesdays in bare feet. We’ll explore fundamentals in ballet, acro, hippety hop and tap, without having to invest in a uniform or shoes. We know, tapping without shoes is like taking a guitar lesson with an air guitar, but TRUST. We’ll help your tiny mover discover dance so you can sign up for a full session with confidence in your investment. One installment of $70.

Primary/Secondary Flexibility

2 Thursdays May 8th & 15th from 5:15-6:45pm (1.5 hrs), must be registered in the primary or secondary levels of dance AND age 9 and up.

Our visiting instructor, Adin Chase, is a certified stretch practitioner (NCBTMB), personal trainer (ISSA), and competitive body builder. He has worked with youth and teen athletes in a variety of sports. He will teach us how to safely stretch with and without partners for maximum flexibility. This class is a must-do for preventing injury, getting those splits, and improving leaps in dance! Students will leave with homework they can complete over the summer to continue progress. One installment of $70.

Intermediate/Advanced Flexibility

2 Thursdays May 8th & 15th from 6:45-8:15pm (1.5 hrs), must be registered in the intermediate or advanced levels of dance.

Our visiting instructor, Adin Chase, is a certified stretch practitioner (NCBTMB), personal trainer (ISSA), and competitive body builder. He has worked with youth and teen athletes in a variety of sports. He will teach us how to safely stretch with and without partners for maximum flexibility. This class is a must-do for preventing injury, keeping those splits, and improving leaps in dance! Students will leave with homework they can complete over the summer to continue progress. One installment of $70.

Turns Technique

2 Thursdays May 22nd & 29th from 5:15-6:45pm (1.5 hrs), Primary level and above (breakout rooms provided as necessary).

These two days will be dedicated to growth and improvement in technique required to execute better turns for ballet and jazz students. We will give tailored coaching (strengthening exercises, drills, and 1:1 time) to see big improvement in minimal time. Students will leave with homework they can complete over summer to continue progress. One installment of $70.


2 Thursdays May 22nd & 29th from 6:45-8:15pm (1.5 hrs), Primary level and above (breakout rooms provided as necessary).

Whether you’re a current high school pom, a future high school pom, or just interested in exploring the style, this class is for you. Learn and improve your poms technique including everything from angles to jumps, and discover more about what it takes to make a poms team or grow your leadership on the team you belong to. One installment of $100 (includes equipment fee- students will get to keep their poms and can choose their color if registered by April 15th).