Inclusion & Code of Conduct


We’ve come to dance hard, and we will. 


Love first, then dance. 

We cherish diversity here. 

We respect all aspects of the way each of us was uniquely created, including our race, ethnicity, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic circumstance, age, religion, political affiliation & views, medical condition, body shape and size, abilities, disabilities and personal history.

We will acknowledge and celebrate our differences. When we are in disagreement, we will express tolerance. When we are ignorant, we will ask for education. We will not judge each other’s life or lifestyle choices. We will find common ground and seek connection. 

Simply stated, we will treat each other the way we wish to be treated and strive to love our neighbor as ourselves. 


Code Of Conduct for Staff, Volunteers, Students and Parents

This policy describes how our entire dancefam will interact with one another and conduct ourselves among children to foster a warm, encouraging, and safe environment for all. This Code of Conduct is intended to protect all Elevate Dance Center staff, volunteers, students, and parents. Violations will be investigated and may result in termination for the staff member, and/or dismissal from the school for the volunteer, student, and/or parent. 

  1. At no time during an Elevate Dance Center event may a staff member, volunteer, or older youth be alone with a single child where the staff member, volunteer or older youth cannot be observed by others. 
  2. All Elevate Dance Center staff and volunteers over the age of 18 must have a clear background check on file with Elevate Dance Center before working with children. 
  3. Staff, volunteers, students and parents will respond to one another with respect and consideration and will give equitable treatment regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual identity, or culture. 
  4. Staff and volunteers will use appropriate touch including pats on the back or shoulder, hugs, handshakes, and high fives.  
  5. Elevate Dance Center is a “hands-on” dance education school, as we believe this is the best approach to teaching dancers how to feel correct placement and alignment in their bodies. Staff members will ask a student before touching them, and respect their right to say no. For example, a teacher may say, “Can I put my hands on your hips to show you where your alignment should be?” The student will respond with, “yes” or “no” before the teacher continues. 
  6. Dancers are to take class in EDC dress code- for female dancers this includes a leotard and tights for all classes- and students will be asked to remove layers of clothing covering their required dress. Additionally, staff is expected to scan visible body parts- such as faces, necks, arms and legs- and immediately report any evidence of self-harm, such as cutting. 
  7. Staff may discuss personal hygiene or taking care of one’s body as part of the class curriculum or on an as-needed basis, however staff will not make remarks about any  dancer’s weight or shape (including their own) that could promote a negative body image in the dancer.  
  8. Should a pre-primary student (age 6 and under and enrolled in a pre-primary class) need to use the restroom during class time when their parent is not present, then a staff member will walk the pre-primary student to and from the bathroom. If the student requires assistance with clothing, getting on or off the toilet, and/or handwashing, then the door must remain open while the staff member helps. Staff members are not permitted to change diapers or wipe dancers after toileting. Please respect our rule to take pre-primary students to the restroom before class, so trips to the bathroom with staff members can be minimized or avoided. 
  9. All female students with a costume change at an event are required to purchase and wear a nude leotard as their base layer of clothing under their tights so there is no nudity when changing. (This does not apply to male dancers in our school, as they do not remove clothing that a bathing suit would not cover.)  
  10. Staff and volunteers will not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs nor will they smoke or use tobacco in the presence of children or parents during working hours. 
  11. Profanity, inappropriate jokes, sharing intimate details of one’s personal life, excessive displays of public affection, and any kind of harassment is prohibited while participating in Elevate Dance Center events. 
  12. Staff are not to release children to anyone other than the authorized parent, guardian, or other adult authorized by the parent or guardian (parent must notify staff beforehand). 
  13. Pre-primary parents MUST COME INSIDE THE STUDIO TO ASSIST AND RETRIEVE THEIR CHILD AFTER DISMISSAL. It is not allowed to stand outside the building and wave your child out through the door. This is for the safety of your child as well as the sanity of our staff members charged with making sure your child returns to you. 
  14. Staff and volunteers are not to transport children in their own vehicles unless they are relatives. Any exceptions require a written explanation beforehand and are subject to administrator approval. 
  15. Staff may not be alone with children they meet in Elevate Dance Center programs outside of Elevate Dance Center. This includes babysitting, sleepovers, and inviting children to their home. Any exceptions require a written explanation beforehand and are subject to administrator approval. 
  16. Staff and volunteers will not have private interactions with students through social media (for example, private direct messaging), computers, or handheld devices. 
  17. No staff member may date a student under the age of 18 years. (For example, an 18-year-old staff member may not date a 17-year-old student while employed by Elevate Dance Center.) 
  18. Staff and volunteers are mandatory reporters. They are required to disclose any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the proper authorities.