Isabella Philippus
Student Instructor
Bella has been a student of Miss Dena and Miss Janelle’s since she was a baby. She’s a versatile dancer who studies ballet, lyrical, tap, jazz, hip hop, and breakdancing. Even though she stopped dancing for basketball at eight years old, she quickly joined dance the minute Miss Dena opened EDC. She was voted Co-Captain of the EDC Dance TEAM for the 2021-2022 season and loved the leadership opportunity dance provided. She has also been dancing en pointe since March of 2021.
When Bella isn’t dancing, you can find her watching her favorite TV show, hanging out with friends, or enjoying the mountains with family.
How To Be Successful In Miss Bella’s Classes

Hi, Dancers! Please arrive 5 minutes early to change into your DEDICATED hip hop shoes and begin stretching. Please, please, please do not wear your hip hop shoes out into the world. They are for the studio only! Hang coats and leave street shoes in the hallway. I will bring in the next class BEFORE dismissing the last class into the hallway to avoid congestion. You will bring your water bottle in the studio room and set it along the wall. Arrive prepared by dressing in a black leotard and tights (convertible, stirrup or footless are best for these classes), with hair secured. Wear sweats or workout leggings over your tights to protect them during floor work.