Thanks for visiting our virtual show handbook. Everything you need to know will appear hear. Check back frequently!
Spring Show 2025
Info & Frequently Asked Questions
Please read the following show information carefully. If you want your dancer to perform, then yahoo! There is nothing else to do at this time. If you DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE in the show, then you must OPT-OUT by 2/2.
When and Where?
- Dress Rehearsal and Picture Week NEW THIS YEAR!
- Monday, April 14th – Saturday, April 19th
- Due to a scheduling conflict, we are unable to have our dress rehearsal at the theatre. This is how it will work instead:
- Your dancer will show up at their normally scheduled class time with their hair and make-up done and their costume on for that particular class. They will rehearse their dance and take pictures during the 45 minute “class time”.
- If your dancer is enrolled in multiple performing classes, they will repeat the above process throughout the week.
- If they attend multiple times a night, they will bring all costumes for that day and change into their next costume at the studio.
- Show
- Sunday, May 4th Show at 3:00pm
- Monfort Concert Hall at Union Colony Civic Center – 701 10th Ave. Greeley, CO 80631
How much?
- $100 non-refundable production dues, charged to card on file on 2/7.
- $75 for each sibling
- $85 non-refundable costume fee (per class), charged to card on file on 2/7.
(Progressive Pre-Primary costume $125 total.)
Attendance: If your dancer misses four or more classes from 2/2-5/3, you will still receive your costume, but your dancer will not perform on stage.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do show? Spring Show is a great time for dancers to celebrate their growth throughout the session. This is the moment where the kids’ hard work, dedication and accomplishments get showcased on stage. We want them to feel like stars, and it’s the show that really gives them their time to shine.
Why is the show in Greeley? This venue is a dream come true from every angle of esthetics, professionalism, size and value. It’s worth the drive.
Is this one of those three-hour dealies? My niece’s recital is SOOOOO LONNNNNG. This year’s show will be approximately 2 hours total with a 10-minute intermission. It is important to note that nobody will be allowed to check out early, such as during intermission. If you will not stay for the entire show, then opt-out of the performance.
Do we have to participate? Participation in the show is 100% optional. About 95% of our student body performs in our shows. Imagine going to baseball practice week after week but never playing a game- the Christmas and Spring shows are our World Series. If you can swing it, we highly recommend joining in the fun.
Who should NOT do the show? Skip it if you have a scheduling conflict, you don’t want to invest the time or money, you are grumpy about driving to Greeley, you will not stay for the entire performance, your dancer wears a diaper, or you are stressed in any capacity about naptime, being away from mom for a couple of hours, crying on stage, etc.- It’s okay to wait until this feels good for the whole family- dance is supposed to be fun! Rest assured your dancer won’t be treated differently or sit out during class time.
What are “Production Dues?” Is that just a way for you dance teachers to get rich? We wish. The $100 non-refundable production dues collected in advance give us working capital to produce this show, including but not limited to the venue rental, EDC staff, venue custodial staff, light, sound and stage management professionals, videography, show t-shirts, show pins, program design, a digital download of the show, and more. We are very excited to offer the kids such a fun show experience while still keeping the show affordable for our families. Production dues are non-refundable because we are planning so far in advance, like a wedding.
What is not included? Tell me the true cost of participating.
- Tickets are not included in the production dues and must be purchased for every human in the auditorium. ($12.50-$25.00. Children under 2 on a lap are $3.50- which covers the venue ticketing fee for their free ticket. Performers do not require a ticket.)
- There will be OPTIONAL products and services offered to you at an additional cost such as professional photos, flowers and cake pops for your dancer, etc.
- Dance shoes are not included. Dance shoes must follow our dress code (color, style) if the dancer wants to perform with us.
What should I know about costumes?
- For $85 we will measure, order and deliver a complete costume to your dancer, including new tights.
- Each class has a different costume.
- Tech-only classes (Acro, Open Barre, Turns & Leaps, Technique Conditioning and Pointe/Pre-Pointe) do not perform and do not require a costume.
- Pre-Primary students perform one style and have one costume, all chosen by the class teacher.
- Progressive Pre-Primary Students perform 2 styles and have a 2-in-1 costume at $125.
- Parents are responsible for the correct style and color of shoes, per our dress code.
Sounds like an investment. We don’t have extra money right now. The Spring Show is an investment of both time and money, and we feel you. If you’re just not down with it and the show doesn’t sound fun, then it’s okay to opt out. Your dancer will still participate fully in every class. BUT if you would love your child to participate, and just can’t swing the money right now, then PLEASE consider applying for the Giving Fund.The Giving Fund is not for people living in a cardboard box (although we’d love if we could help them too), it’s for regular dance folks like you who are just in a tough spot at the moment. Let’s keep all our kids dancing and performing.
What do I need to do as a parent? I come hang out and help the whole time, right? Your role is an important one. First, we need you to support your dancer and be a bright, positive light in their dance experience, including show. Second, we need you to help your dancer get to class each week. Lastly, we need you to help them arrive on time and prepared with their costume and correct shoes, and with their hair and makeup done. During the show, you will sit in the audience and clap enthusiastically.
Great! So I will come hang out and help my dancer then. We repeat, ONLY EDC staff is allowed to help on show day. We may need you during the in-studio dress rehearsal/picture week, and we will explain as it gets closer, but at the show you will sit in the audience. Your child is in great hands, we promise.
How many times will I get to see my dancer on stage? This depends on how many classes your dancer takes. Each class performs one dance in the show, except Acro, Open Barre, Turns & Leaps, Technique Conditioning and Pointe/Pre-Pointe, which are strictly technique classes and do not perform. Pre-primary classes perform ONE of their two styles of dance from their class, not both. Progressive Pre-Primary students perform two of their styles, not all four. The entire cast performs a finale dance at the end of the show.
So it seems to me my dancer will only be on stage for a few minutes of the whole show. Is it really worth it? Absolutely! While it’s true YOU may only see your child up there for a few minutes, it is an entire experience for THEM. There is the thrill of getting ready and being back in the dressing room, the butterflies as you wait excitedly in the hall a few numbers before your turn, your chance in the spotlight, the giggly discussing of the play-by-play with fellow dancers on the way back to the dressing room and the joy of celebrating with family after the show. The kids LOVE to be a part of a greater whole- it’s very satisfying. Showtime is both a memory-maker and a learning experience for the kids. This is a very big deal to THEM!
When my dancer isn’t on stage, what will they be doing? We have an army of teachers and volunteers backstage with the dancers while waiting their turn on stage. We entertain our youngest dancers with movies and coloring books, while our oldest dancers have support changing costumes and hairstyles, in preparation for their next dance.
At my son’s preschool, the teachers came out and did the performance with the kids. Why don’t you come out and dance with them so they look really good? They are so darned cute the only thing we could do by being on stage is distract from that. We want the attention on them. And most importantly, this is contrary to what we are trying to teach. We are not interested in teaching the kids to just follow the adults so they look better, we are interested in building the necessary skills (confidence, discipline, memorization, courage, independence…) so they can do it themselves and enjoy the lovely side effect of self-pride.
No but seriously, could you just do it on the side where we can’t see you but they can? It really does look better. Nope, no and definitely not. For all of the reasons stated above, no. But furthermore, this will just create a dance where all of the kids’ faces are turned to the side the whole time. You paid good money for those tickets! We want you to see your child’s full face, not just the side. Trust us on this, we are experts.
I didn’t grow up dancing, but all my 5 year old did was spin around and point her foot a few times. Can I get my money back? Respectfully, we disagree. We saw a dancer who was strong and confident enough to get out on stage in front of people and smile. We saw a dancer who knew when the dance began, how it ended, and even remembered some of the middle all on their own! We saw them plie, releve, bourre, arabesque, chasse, tendu and pique. We saw a dancer who got out on stage without an adult dancing with them. We saw a child who tried something new and sort of scary to most people. We’re pretty proud. You should be too! Now head out and get that sweet dancer some flowers!
All right, we’re totally in. But I want my child to ROCK. What can I do to help?
- Yay! Ok most importantly, please help your dancer have fantastic attendance and arrive prepared to dance (shoes, hair, uniform). Try not to miss unless it’s really necessary. If a dancer has an injury (not a contagious illness), consider bringing them anyway to observe the lesson and/or stand in their place in the formation if able. If your dancer misses four classes after the opt-out period ends, you will still receive your costume, but your dancer will not perform on stage.
- We often tell our dancers, “Practice makes confident.” If you can help your dancer practice at home by encouraging them to show you their dance, doing it with them, having siblings do it together, watching the BAND videos, or any other manner of encouragement, this helps. BUT don’t make practicing a chore, homework, or otherwise lame and boring. Dance is FUN!
- And finally, please leave the coaching to us. We value progress over perfection, and we’re excited for you to see the kids’ growth. Avoid the comparison trap of any kind, and help us celebrate your child on their own unique journey with dance.
You did not answer all my questions. Now what?
- We will post everything in the Performance Hub on your EDC app, which will cover burning questions in detail.
- Join us for a brief Zoom on Thursday, 1/30 from 7:00-7:30pm to talk everything show and get questions answered. Meeting ID 262 142 1166, Password 5678
We know you may still have questions -especially if it’s your first show- so please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help! Please email for any logistical questions, or for the philosophical questions, and we will make sure you are confident and comfortable with all things for the show!
For the Costume Reveal Slideshow, click here.
Receiving Costumes
We will begin distributing costumes on Monday, March 3rd.
- If your dancer is absent, they will try on their costume the next week during class. We do not send home costumes unless a staff member has approved the fit of the costume.
- Dancers must be in dress code to try on their costume.
- All dancers will stay in the studio room to try on costumes OVER their leotard and tights. We’d like to slip boys’ costumes over their clothing as well, so try not to wear “way baggy” clothes these next two weeks. If we need to send boys to Studio J to change, we will.
- We do not have the time or the space to send dancers individually to the bathroom.
- Once your dancer has received their costume, please be sure to TAKE IT OUT OF THE GARMENT BAG so it can breathe. You will notice that tutus will need to be fluffed and costumes will need to be steamed. Please refer to the “Caring for your Costume” section below.
Caring for your Costumes
Please treat costumes with the utmost care until AFTER the show. Do not wear them to bed or wash them. We want to keep the colors bright and costumes clean.
- Please hang costumes up to relax wrinkles, and steam if necessary.
- Fluff tutus.
- Spray glitter costumes lightly with aerosol hairspray.
- If your costume is too big or too long, use safety pins to correct it. Take care of this ahead of dress rehearsal and picture week.
- Boys will be in their own boys’ dressing room.
- Primary-Advanced female dancers will be in multiple girls’ dressing rooms. If your female dancer has multiple costumes, we require a nude leotard as her base undergarment (tights go over the nude leotard for quick changing.) If your dancer is in only 1 number, but is concerned about nudity while changing into their finale t-shirt and black pants, then we recommend she wears a nude leotard as her base undergarment, as dancers will not leave the dressing room to go to a bathroom to change.
- If you would like to order a nude leotard for your dancer from EDC, they are $21 for a child and $23 for an adult size.
- The deadline to order from us to arrive in time for dress rehearsal is 3/15 (unless we have your dancer’s size in stock). Place your order through your EDC app in the Apple or Google Play store. [Log in>More>Studio Store>Dancewear>Select the nude leotard and order like any other online shopping platform.]
- PSA- YOU DO NOT WEAR UNDERWEAR WITH YOUR TIGHTS. Tights ARE underwear.. You do not want your panties showing on stage- we are a family show! =)
- Ballet students wear pink leather ballet shoes.
- Tap students wear black tap shoes (polish them!).
- Jazz students wear black slip-on jazz shoes (polish them!).
- Lyrical students wear tan slip-on lyrical turners.
- Hip Hop students wear their regular black hip hop shoes from class and plain black no-show socks (boys).
- Pre-Primary Students wear only the shoes required for their performance.
- Monday tap/ballet 4:30pm – black tap shoes
- Monday tap/hippety hop 4:30pm – black tap shoes
- Tuesday tap/ballet 5:15pm – black tap shoes
- Wednesday tap/ballet 4:30pm – pink leather ballet shoes
- Thursday tap/hippety hop 4:30pm – black tap shoes
- Saturday 9:00am – black tap shoes
- Saturday 9:45am – black tap shoes
- Monday/Wednesday Progressive Pre-Primary Students will need black slip-on jazz shoes and pink leather ballet shoes.
- Tuesday/Thursday Progressive Pre-Primary Students will only need black slip-on jazz shoes. They will be barefoot for one of their dances.

*Not applicable: Pre-Primary & Progressive Pre-Primary.
A nude leotard is essential for dancers to wear as their base layer underneath their tights and costumes in order to ensure modesty and professionalism while changing clothes quickly and seamlessly. Please keep in mind that even if your dancer doesn’t have multiple costumes, they will be changing into a t-shirt and leggings for the finale (excludes pre-primary and progressive pre-primary dancers ages 3-6. Their finale t-shirt will be put on over their costume.) Dancers will not be allowed to leave their designated group dressing area to change privately in a bathroom or otherwise.
You can purchase a nude leotard in your Parent Portal (or in the EDC app- not in Band). We can double-check sizing based on your dancer’s costume measurements. You can also buy from any vendor of your choosing.
- Parent Portal
- Studio Store
- Dancewear
- Child Nude Leotard $19.00
- Adult Nude Leotard $23.00
*Saturday, March 15th is the deadline to purchase a nude leotard from EDC.
Lastly, while we got your attention with the word “naked,” did you know that DANCERS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO WEAR UNDERWEAR WITH THEIR TIGHTS TO REGULAR CLASSES? In that instance, your tights replace your underwear- hence the reinforced crotch that looks like a panty liner. We try to explain that dance clothes are like a bathing suit- no need for the extra layer, but lots of folks still do not get the memo. Why no undies you ask? Because they always hang out of the leotard for the whole world to see, or there is so much extra fabric that they bunch/crawl/sag, and all of this is just lots of extra discomfort (plus a fashion faux pas) while moving.
We have a unique opportunity to promote your business to over one thousand of your potential customers from a very warm market. As of February 29, 2024, Elevate Dance Center is home to 289 students, who visit The Orchard Town Center no less than once a week, but more often several times weekly. They all hail from the Broomfield, east Westminster, north Thornton, Erie, and west Brighton areas. At our Christmas show in December 2023, we welcomed 1295 guests who are mostly family members of this student body. On May 5, 2024, we’d like to put your business in front of this audience by advertising for you at our Spring Show.
We’ve put together a sponsorship package that will fit every budget, with the intention to promote your business not just on 5/5/24, but also through plenty of drip marketing for the 12 months that follow our show. This opportunity is win-win-win; your sponsorship generates advertising for your business, supports our dance studio’s endeavors, and keeps the opportunity to perform in our Spring Show affordable for our families by offsetting the enormous costs associated with producing a professional show experience. Our dance families tell us they are more likely to shop with businesses that support our dance studio. Our repeat business sponsors tell us they have seen an increase in customers since sponsoring our shows. Our Elevate Dance Center families are the best, and by partnering with us through a business-to-business sponsorship, you will attract the caliber of client you’re seeking in your own business dealings.
Thank you for taking the time to consider us for your advertising dollars. With your support, we will keep our kids dancing affordably while offering the highest quality dance education and show experience around, and we will further our mission to change lives for the better through dancing.
Sponsorships are both limited and exclusive, so they are accepted in the order they are received. To sign on as a sponsor, fill out this form and complete payment by 4/7/24.
Dress Rehearsal
- A dress rehearsal is exactly what it sounds like- it is a rehearsal of the performance in costume. We want to rehearse exactly “as if.”
- Saturday, April 20th (see schedule below)
- Monfort Concert Hall at Union Colony Civic Center – 701 10th Ave. Greeley, CO 80631
- All dancers and parents will enter through the BACKSTAGE doors of the UCCC Theatre (pictured below). Once dressed, you’ll take a seat in the auditorium. Dancers will NOT check in or out with EDC staff on dress rehearsal day.
- Pre-Primary, Progressive Pre-Primary and Primary students REQUIRE parent supervision for the time they’re at dress rehearsal. Secondary, Intermediate and Advanced students can be dropped off, ONLY if they are completely self-sufficient with costume changes, hair changes and getting to where they need to be on time. We do not have staff members available to help with hair or costumes.
- Dancers arrive with tights on and hair and makeup ALREADY DONE. They can arrive in their first costume, or slip it on in the dressing area. Do not wear dance shoes outside.
- ALL dancers will appear in the finale and must rehearse it during at least one of the two rehearsal times on the schedule. You pick the finale practice that is most convenient for you.
- How It Works
- Dancers arrive through the backstage doors 30 minutes early, with hair and makeup done. Parents assist in using a backstage dressing room to change into costume, and then head to the auditorium to be called on stage.
- Dancers are waiting in the auditorium dressed and ready before their designated “stage time.” Parents remain seated in the auditorium.
- After running the dance, their class goes with their teacher as a group to take photos. EVERYONE takes a photo. Parents stay in the auditorium.
- Dancers are escorted back to the auditorium to meet up with parents.
- Dancers change into their next costume (parents assist their younger dancers) and repeat the process until all dances are rehearsed.
- Once your dancer has rehearsed their last (or only) dance on stage, taken photos, AND rehearsed the finale at least once, then you are done for the day.
- Dancers and parents are welcome to watch rehearsal in the auditorium as long as you like. This is the only opportunity for your dancer to see the show numbers live, and a lot of kids think that’s fun. Please be respectful of those on stage and keep quiet in the audience.
- Depending on how long your dancer will be at dress rehearsal, feel free to pack snacks, a lunch and water. The venue will have a designated area for dancers to eat. Please keep in mind that food and drinks are strictly prohibited in the auditorium and should not be eaten in costume.
- Because we get the luxury of having a dress rehearsal, participation is MANDATORY to perform. Dress rehearsal is about giving the group a chance to understand their spacing, formations, entrances/exits, and traffic patterns in the bigger space. If a dancer is not in their spot, then it changes the dynamic- and safety- for everyone else. No dress rehearsal, no show. (This includes if the dancer shows up, but arrives late enough to miss their time slot. Plan accordingly.) A successful dress rehearsal is a team effort. Go team!

We compiled a list of all the things you’ll need for Dress Rehearsal and Show Day. The list is in SHOW ORDER so your dancers will know the order of each costume, tights and accessories, and how their hair should look.
*Note- dancers do not have to change for finale practice at dress rehearsal.
- The purpose of stage makeup is so we can clearly see your dancer’s face from the audience and in the video. You should not feel like your dancer is starring on “Toddlers and Tiaras.” For a really great explanation on the WHY behind stage makeup, click here.
- In truth, boys “should” wear light stage makeup too, for the same reasons that the girls do. In professional theatre, this is always the case. However, because we have many boys who would run for the hills if we told them to wear makeup, we do not require it, as we want to keep our boys dancing. In the spirit of equality, this opt-out is also extended to the girls if they absolutely will not wear makeup or if your family is against it.
- If your dancer will be wearing makeup as we prefer, then please follow our guidelines below, ESPECIALLY REGARDING COLORS so the dancers look natural and bright.
Dress Rehearsal and Show Day Makeup:
- Brown eyeshadow
- Black eyeliner
- Black mascara
- Rose colored blush
- Red Lipstick (Cover Girl #830)
- Eyebrows filled in
- False eyelashes (Only Secondary/Intermediate/Advanced level students. WEAR THEM!)

Done-For-You Show Souvenirs

- Log into your Parent Portal
- Click on Studio Store
- Click the Show Souvenir tab
- Add the Show Souvenirs you’d like to purchase to your cart and checkout.
- 1 Red Rose for $6.00
- A Bouquet of 3 Red Roses for $15.00
- 1 Individually Wrapped Cake Pop for $6.00
- A Bouquet of 3 Cake Pops for $15.00
A note from your National Honor Society for Dance Arts Members:
Spring break is next week, and we will NOT have dance 4/1-4/7. It’s nice to have a break but it’s important that we keep practicing our dance(s) so that we don’t loose all the greatness we’ve achieved.
Take a screen shot and digitally mark the spring break Bingo Sheet! The dancers that complete a Bingo Blackout will receive a prize from the prize basket AND they will come back to class confident and ready to perform.
We can’t wait to see all the practicing and home improvement when we get back from break!

We have created a spreadsheet to easily find your dancer’s practice video. You must be a member of the BAND group to view the practice videos. Join BAND here.
Finale- The entire cast dances in the finale.
- All students will receive a t-shirt at check-in on SHOW DAY to wear in the finale. Pre-Primary students will receive their t-shirt in their dressing room. Primary and above dancers will wear their own black pants (plain black leggings or sweatpants, Elevate Dance Center leggings and sweatpants are okay) with their finale t-shirt. Pre-Primary students will put their t-shirt over their costume.
- Dancers wear dance shoes of choice. Primary and above-no tap shoes please. If you only take tap, then bring a pair of tennis shoes for the finale. Pre-Primary students will wear their tap shoes if that is the shoe they perform in. Dancers keep the hairstyle they had for the last show number on stage.
- At DRESS REHEARSAL, dancers can wear whatever is most convenient to practice. If they’re done for the day, they can wear sweats. If they have an upcoming dance to rehearse, they can wear that costume.
- The kids will learn it and practice in class as well as at dress rehearsal.
- The main choreography is the same for everyone, however pre-primary students, TEAM, and staff all have some separate parts.
- If you want to practice some at home to make it feel more familiar, that’s great! Here are some resources for you to do that:
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- Tickets are reserved seating and will go on sale Saturday, April 13th at 12pm (noon).
- Tickets are sold through the Union Colony Civic Center online platform, not through EDC. The link will allow purchases at NOON on Saturday, April 13th and stay open until the show begins on Sunday, May 5th.
- Tickets are tiered pricing and range from $12.50-$25 per person.
- Performers are FREE and do not require a ticket.
- Tickets for children 2 and under are $3.50 (which covers the required venue ticket processing fees).
- The Union Colony Civic Center requires every audience member to have a ticket to enter the facility. Even if you have a baby in a car seat, you will need to purchase a child-priced ticket.
- Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. If you do not purchase tickets prior to the show, you will still need to order online from the parking lot, before entering the facility.
- We have hired a professional videographer to film the show, and everyone receives a copy- there is no need to film on your own!
- We are super excited to offer a convenient dance photo experience:
- Your dancer’s teacher(s) will set both group and individual poses.
- Everyone takes a picture. Purchasing photos is always optional, posing in them is not. 🙂
- You’ll be able to see proofs and order via online gallery. We will put the word out via all channels (email, Band, Performance Hub, etc.) as soon as the gallery is ready for viewing.
- All photo orders are for digital downloads, making it easy for you to order prints of only the sizes and quantities you want!
- All digital downloads are $20 each.
Questions you might ask:
Q. How do I find my kiddo?
A. Photos are by class in dress rehearsal order, so it should be easy to find yours by costume, BUT scroll through the whole class’ photos to make sure you see all of your dancer- some uploaded faster than others and the order within classes got wonky.
Q. Do I have to buy photos?
A. Absolutely not. If you don’t want a photo, definitely don’t buy one. But PLEASE don’t steal them either. We invested a lot of time and money into doing these for you and turning them around so quickly. When you purchase your photo (rather find a way to get the photo without paying for it), then we will able to do these for you for years to come.
Q. How long do I have to decide?
A. The gallery will expire on 5/15. But, I wouldn’t wait TOO long… if you’re the same kind of mom like me, then you’ll just forget if you don’t git-er done.
Q. Why are digital downloads the delivery method?
A. This keeps it all affordable AND immediate for you, and you don’t end up waiting forever for to receive a package full of a bunch of extra pictures in sizes you don’t really need. You can order prints in different sizes for your whole family by choosing one-hour photo at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc. Those prints are like .10- .50 each.
Q. Can I share my purchased picture on my social media?
A. 100% yes. Please tag/mention the studio- it helps us so much and we love to see your posts.
Q. Why aren’t there an equal number of photos per student?
A. That had everything to do with the amount of time they had, if they were into having their photo taken, if they could keep their eyes open in the photo, and if they could hold still and look at the camera so we could get the shot. I deleted over 700 pictures that would have been great if the eyes were open… =)
Q. Why did you take my child’s glasses off in some of their pictures? Do you discriminate against people with glasses?
A. No. We weren’t sure if we would have a terrible glare, because we are still learning. There are photos with glasses on AND glasses off.
Q. Why do some classes have more group photos than others?
A. There were so many taken for the above reasons. We either got the shot in a couple, or we had to take 42. We put up the best ones so you can pick the one you think your child looks their most awesome.
Q. Why isn’t there a close-up of everyone?
A. Because pf all of the reasons listed previously above, AND we’re not perfect (yet). =)
- Show Time & Location
- Sunday, May 5th at 3:00pm.
- Monfort Concert Hall at Union Colony Civic Center – 701 10th Ave. Greeley, CO 80631
- Lobby doors open at 2:00pm. The concert hall opens for seating at 2:30pm.
- Dancer Call Time
- All dancers must arrive ON TIME with performance hair and make-up ALREADY DONE.
- We recognize we have some families with multiple children and different call times. Thank you for your help and understanding.
- If your dancer is in multiple levels, such as Primary Jazz and Secondary Tap, check in/out with the higher level.
- TEAM/Intermediate/Advanced Dancers: check-in at 1:30pm
- Secondary Dancers: check in at 1:45pm
- Primary Dancers: check in at 2:00pm
- Progressive Pre-Primary Dancers: check in at 2:15pm
- Progressive Pre-Primary/ Primary/ Secondary/ Intermediate/ Advanced and TEAM Dancers will check-in at the Backstage Entrance of the Union Colony Civic Center (pictured below.)
- Pre-Primary Dancers: check-in at 2:30pm
- Enter at the main entrance of the building. Take your dancer to the restroom there. Walk all the way through the lobby toward the north bar, and proceed to the “Green Room” check-in. There will be signage and/or volunteers to direct you.
- Pre-Primary students are to bring NOTHING with them. Please take them to the restroom and put their dance shoes on for them before checking in. Do not send them in with snacks, drinks, coats or toys. We will provide water for them if they need a drink.

If you’d like a hard copy of the program, you can print it at home ahead of time. If you like the digital version, you can click the link below or use the QR Code. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of places to scan this code again at the venue as well.
Program QR Code