Cece Friend
Cece is a Colorado native and danced locally since she was a little girl. She grew up studying ballet, jazz, hip hop, breakdancing, lyrical, modern, and contemporary. (Miss Dena and Miss Janelle were her teachers!) She danced both competitively and non-competitively for many years. She also enjoyed gigs as a professional dancer for a corporate entertainment company, where she has performed as a giant dancing broccoli and a fairy ballerina elf, among other things. She spent a week in Texas this past summer receiving multiple certifications in Acrobatic Arts curriculum and safe spotting. Cece is engaged to be married, and she is mom to two beautiful kids. Cece is thrilled to be back home with her dance family!
How To Be Successful In Miss Cece’s Classes

Hi, Parents! You are the reason your dancers will love coming to class. Thanks so much for modeling a fantastic attitude and helping them arrive prepared! Please take your dancer to the bathroom before class, even if they say they do not have to go. Secure their hair, but leave fancy barrettes and headbands at home. (Sometimes we stand on our heads.) Hang coats and leave street shoes in the hallway. Help your dancer put on their ballet shoes before class. Your dancer will line up against the wall and when the door is open, we’re ready for you. Send your dancer in with their water bottle. Label everything if you hope to get it back. 🙂 Leave toys at home. We love it if you arrive 5 minutes early to class, but not sooner. Once your dancer is ready for class, please kiss and go quickly. Stay invisible to your dancer for the duration of class- it really helps them focus and creates the best learning environment. We will end class on time by passing out stickers. We’ll wave in the next class before dismissing your dancer to avoid congestion in the hallway. Please help your dancer collect their things and change their shoes so we can start the next class. Thanks!

Hi, Dancers! Please arrive 5 minutes early, hang your coat and leave your street shoes in the hallway (dancers will take class barefoot.) I will bring in the next class BEFORE dismissing the last class into the hallway to avoid congestion. Set your water bottle against the wall and begin stretching. Arrive prepared by dressing in a leotard and tights (convertible, stirrup or footless), with hair secured. Please come to class ready to work hard and sweat! 🙂

Hi, Dancers! Please arrive 5 minutes early to change into your jazz shoes. Hang your coat and leave your street shoes in the hallway. I will bring in the next class BEFORE dismissing the last class into the hallway to avoid congestion. Set your water bottle against the wall and begin stretching. Arrive prepared by dressing in a leotard and tights (convertible, stirrup or footless are best for these classes), with hair secured. Please come to class ready to work hard and sweat! 🙂

Hi, Dancers! Please arrive 5 minutes early to change into your DEDICATED hip hop shoes. Please, please, please do not wear your hip hop shoes out into the world. They are for the studio only! Hang your coat and leave your street shoes in the hallway. I will bring in the next class BEFORE dismissing the last class into the hallway to avoid congestion. Set your water bottle against the wall and begin stretching. Arrive prepared by dressing in a black leotard and tights (convertible, stirrup or footless are best for these classes), with hair secured. Wear sweats or workout leggings over your tights to protect them during floor work.

Hi, Dancers! Please arrive 5 minutes early. Hang your coat and leave your street shoes in the hallway. I will bring in the next class BEFORE dismissing the last class into the hallway to avoid congestion. Set your water bottle against the wall and begin stretching. Make sure your hair is secured! Ballet students should absolutely wear a bun. Come prepared by dressing in your black leotard and tights, with the proper shoes for your style of dance. Let’s get ready to work hard and have fun!